Fundraising with allows buyers to purchase everyday, name brand products and still raise money for the group they wish to support. [Wheaton, Illinois]
Through spending patterns of members, Sharing Way provides funding to churches, ministries and non profit organizations with merchant donations. [Scottsdale, Arizona]
A source of continuous funding to non profit organizations. For more than 15 years, our manufacturing partner has provided continuous funding to well over 1,000 non profit groups.
By subscribing to our services, your members will be saving themselves money; while at the same time, a percentage of their net monthly service usage will be donated to support your cause!
Econnergy's affinity program is a very easy and rewarding one. Have your supporters switch to Econnergy as their energy supplier under your name and your institution will receive a percentage. [Spring Valley, New York]
Has a revolutionary new way for organizations to generate monthly, ongoing funds by helping its members. Affinity groups can participate at no cost. [Yuma, Arizona